Friday, March 23, 2012

A Daffodil Story

Unless something unforeseen arises, five days a week I write this blog.  On each of those mornings, my husband will go upstairs to his study and read it.  When he comes back downstairs I always asked him how it was.  “It was great,” he says.  “But you say that every morning,” I tell him.  “It is good every morning,” he replies.  “But would you tell me if it was stupid or didn’t make sense?” I ask him.  “Of course I would,” he replies. “But I think you could write about daffodils and it would be interesting because you always relate something routine to your problems with MS.”
So, here goes my blog on daffodils as related to MS: 
I love flowers, as do most people.  They come in so many shapes, colors and sizes that there is some kind for just about everyone.  Daffodils, also known as narcissus, are a spring flower native to Europe, North Africa and Asia. 
Like flowers, MS comes in many shapes and forms.  Each of us with MS has a variety of symptoms ranging from moderate to severe.  Some MSers become unable to walk or use their arms and hands and have to have someone to take care of them.  Others can function reasonably well and continue to work and take care of themselves with little problem.
Most of us fall into a middle of the road category.  We have trouble sleeping, extreme fatigue, pain, difficulty walking and other problems.  Each of these problems by themselves is difficult to deal with, but when you combine them with others, it makes for a hard time coping with every day activities.  Most of us try to take care of ourselves the best we can, but need help with a lot of routine chores.
I guess in some way we are like daffodils or other flowers.  Although on the outside we may look fine, on the inside we are struggling.  Many flowers are beautiful but dying inside as fall and winter approach.  Those of us with MS are always on the verge of a winter storm.
Flowers stand straight and tall in the spring and summer sun.  The rain makes them strong and they glow with health. Most of us with MS do our best to stand tall and try to put our best foot forward every day that we possibly can.  Unfortunately, the winter storm within us often makes us droop like a flower in the cold.
The good thing is, like flowers, we are residual and will bounce back at every opportunity and stand tall.  We try to have an outward shine even if our insides are more of a blizzard!  How was that for a daffodil story???


Muffie said...

You're so right! Our inner beauty, though, is never diminished by the ravages of this disease. Winter may kill off the outer shell, but our resilient natures battle back and we bloom again!

Janie said...

Thanks for the comment, Muffie!