Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We Are Family!!

Everyone has a family……..some by birth, some by friendship.  Unfortunately, a lot of us have birth family members that do not care and love us nearly as much as our friend family members do.
I am blessed to be part of an MS family.  They are a wonderful, special and very loving group of people.  We share a lot of tears, laughs, trials and accomplishments with each other.  We hold each other up because we don’t have to explain ourselves to each other……we are all going through basically the same thing.
Unfortunately, a lot of our families by birth are not as caring and loving.  I have read so many stories that my MS family is going through that are heart-breaking and caused by parents, siblings and other family members that, in a perfect world, are supposed to stand by and help.  Often they only criticize and abuse.
Many spouses of MS patients are in that category also.  So many MS patients have been abandoned, abused, neglected and mistreated.  A lot of them have gone through horrendous times and none of it has anything to do with something they could have prevented.  It is so sad.
The flip side of this are the many spouses, parents and other birth relatives that love, cherish and give their all to help in any way possible to make life easier for the person in their lives with MS.  There are many of these stories also. 
I am blessed with a wonderful husband and family.  He takes care of me like a baby and goes to great lengths to see that I am safe, secure and loved.  Most of my family is in this category.  My Mother is not in this group.  She is a story unto herself, but I will not go into that at this time.
I want to make this a happy posting………..wishing all a very Happy Valentine’s Day……..and hoping that you are loved and cherished no matter what your situation………
I wish a special Happy Valentine’s Day to my MS family and hope that this will be a pain free day where you are loved, cherished and happy!!

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